Mario Villani , a native of Puerto Rico, is a Maine Science Technician in the U.S. Coast Guard and a familiar face around Coast Guard Base Boston. He is the ANSO New England Chapter Vice President, a member of the Morale Committee, and the former Chair of the Base Boston Leadership and Diversity Advisory Council. On September 23rd, Mario was meritoriously advanced to Marine Science Technician First Class (MST1) by the Director of Operational Logistics (DOL), RDML Jon Hickey.
As a 1-star Admiral, he was able to pick a single person for meritorious advancement in 2022. Given Mario’s exceptional performance, he was the individual selected out of the 5,000 people working in the DOL chain of command.
The good news continues for MST1 Villani; as of October 2022, he has also been selected as a primary candidate for Officer Candidate School. He will be departing the Boston area in May 2023 to head to New London, Connecticut where he will complete a 17-week training program and then commission as an Ensign in the Coast Guard.
Bravo Zulu to Mario for setting a positive example within our local ANSO chapter and for leading from the front!