“Leadership Development from Intention to Impact”
ANSO’s annual program consists of working-level symposia co-located with local chapters. The symposia are designed to provide members with career management support and one-on-one mentoring sessions with senior officers and senior enlisted members who volunteer their time in support of their shipmates.
Our annual east coast flagship event is being coordinated the Norfolk Chapter and will be held 06-08 June 2023 at the Vista Point Catering & Conferencing Center onboard Naval Base Norfolk. A virtual option will be available and details are TBD. Uniform of the day is Service “C” for Marines, service equivalent for Sailors, Tropical Blue for Coast Guard, and business casual for civilians.
Everyone and all services are welcome to participate. Registration is free for active ANSO members. If you are not an active ANSO member or are not able to obtain funding from your service or command, you can join ANSO at the appropriate membership level and then register to attend, or you can register and pay the $150 event fee. Please visit our Join ANSO page to become a member.
USN NAVADMIN 069/23 announces the support of the Navy for Fleet participation and attendance at the Sea Service Affinity Group (SSAG) conferences and symposiums. Please refer to NAVADMIN 069/23 for funding request details and procedures.
USCG ALCOAST 155/23 announces the US Coast Guard’s support for participation in the 2023 ANSO Eastern Region Symposium. Please refer to ALCOAST 155/23 for funding request details and procedures.
USMC – MARADMIN 262/23 announces support for participation. Headquarters United States Marine Corps will sponsor 37 conference registration fees and travel expenses for this event. Requests to attend this event should be emailed to the Branch mailbox MPE_Outreach@usmc.mil via individual’s Officer-in-Charge and must include the following information: name, rank, unit, EDIPI, email, and duty station. Requests must be submitted no later than (NLT) 30 May 2023. Refer to MARADMIN 262/23 for all details.
US Merchant Marines – details are TBD.
Uniform of the day – Service “C” for Marines, service equivalent for Sailors, Tropical Blue for Coast Guard, and business casual for civilians.
Important Note!! Participants are encouraged to bring their evals, fitness reports, etc, as there will be opportunities to get one on one career advice from senior leaders.
Patriot Level Sponsors
Duty Level Sponsors
Registration is free for active ANSO members. If you are not an active ANSO member or are not able to obtain funding from your service or command, you can join ANSO at the appropriate membership level and then register to attend, or you can register and pay the event fee.
Select the appropriate registration category below. Service sponsored participants, guest speakers, panelists, and event sponsor members should have received a registration code from their POCs to register. Without the appropriate registration code you will not be able to register. Please reach out the your respective POCs for a registration code and all details. See service messages for specific service sponsorship criteria.
Note: if you are an active ANSO member and forgot your username and/or password, send an email to membership@ansomil.org.
For this event we were not able to secure blocks of rooms in advance, but if you are sure that you will attend and need help with lodging reservations, please contact CWO2 Yandy Hernandez, via email at yandy.hernandez2.mil@us.navy.mil or via phone at 757-341-7566.
- The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, 78th Secretary of the Navy
- GEN David H. Berger, Commandant, USMC
- ADM Linda L. Fagan, Commandant, USCG
- ADM Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations, USN
- ADM Steven D. Poulin, Vice Commandant, USCG
- LtGen Brian W. Cavanaugh, Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, USMC
- RADM Jo-Ann F. Burdian, Assistant Commandant for Response Policy, USCG
- RADM Joseph F. Cahill, Commander, Carrier Strike Group FIFTEEN, USN
- RDML Cedric Pringle, USN (Ret)
- RDML Dennis Velez, Commander, Carrier Strike Group TEN, USN
- RDML Shannon N. Gilreath, Commander Fifth Coast Guard District, USCG
- CAPT Angelina Hidalgo, Counselor to the Secretary of Homeland Security, USCG
- CAPT Frank G. Franky, USN, Deputy Director for Ethics, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership
- CAPT Janet H. Days, USN, Commanding Officer, Naval Station, Norfolk
- CAPT Javier Medina, Ph.D., USN, ANSO Norfolk Chapter President
- Col María McMillen, USMC, 3d Marine Logistics Group AC/S G-9
- CAPT Roy Love, USN, Ret, President ANSO
- CDR Adán López, USNR, Force Resiliency Officer, CNRFC
- LCDR Diego Londoño, CHC, USN, ANSO Chaplain
- LCDR Michael J Monroig, USN, Chaplain Corps
- LT Noel Peralta, USN, Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center
- LT Norberto T. Perez, Sector Boston, Chief of Incident Management, USCG
- 1stLt Katerin Morales, USMC
- CWO2 Javier Cruz, USCG, Personnel and Administration Branch Chief, USCG Recruiting Command
- CWO2 Yandy Hernández, USN, Operations Action Officer, Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center
- SGT. MAJ. Troy E. Black, Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, USMC
- MCPOCG Heath B. Jones, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard, USCG
- CMDCM Jose L. Peña, USN, Helicopter Squadron THREE, Command Master Chief
- CMDCM Toby A. Ruiz, Naval Leadership and Ethics Center, USN
- DCCM Cristian Bolanos, USN
- FORCM Jason A. Knupp, USN, SEA for OPNAV N17, Culture and Force Resiliency
- MGySgt Jose M. Reyes Jr, USMC, Marine Forces Command
- YNC Rita M. Martinez, USCG, Admin Chief, USCG Recruiting Command
- Dr. Ivonne Díaz-Claisse, Founder and President, Hispanics Inspiring Students’ Performance and Achievement (HISPA)
- Ms. Jean Ibañez Payne, Founder & CEO, TIVC
- Dr. John P. Cordle, CAPT, USN (Ret), GS-14
- Dr. Norvel “Rock” Dillard, USMC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Senior Advisor, Manpower Plans & Policy Division of Manpower & Reserve Affairs, HQ Marine Corps
- Mr. Robert E. Bard, President and CEO, LATINA Style Inc., Chairman, ANSO Board of Advisors
- Ms. Rocío Pérez, The MindShift Game
- Mr. Rob De La Espriella, CEO, DLE Technical Services, LLC, BD3
US Marine Corps
US Navy
US Coast Guard
US Merchant Marines
Vista Point Center Address: 1754 Massey Hughes Dr, Norfolk, VA 23511